The company run in Dessau enters the fourth round

Wednesday, 09.05.2018

After work we started in sunny weather again at the 4th Dessau company run. A total of 536 participants, spread over 134 teams, went to the start. Each had to cope with the 2.1 km long route through the Dessau city park and then handed the baton to the next runner of his team. Some of our colleagues also took up the challenge so that we could participate with four teams. Our runners had a lot of fun and achieved respectable times and good placings. From 76 men's teams and 15 mixed teams, we achieved the following results:

Team Members Category Ranking Time
AEM 1 Steffen Dornheim
Jeanette Laube
Steffen Laube
Sabrina Puhlmann
Mixed 8 43:24
AEM 2 Maik Hübner
Klaus-Peter Link
Sebastian Orlamünde
Toni Hehl
Men 68 47:36
SMB Carsten Schindler
Jan Hofmann
Nadja Keddi
Christian Rauser
Men 25 40:18
Indukmas Roland Huck
Andreas Hönow
Christoph Bukall
Sebastian Rech
Men 28 40:28

We congratulate all our runners and are proud. Every single person has shown a great performance.


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